Welcome to Bereavement legal services
an informational website from Solicitors for Older People Scotland
When a death occurs it is a difficult time for family and friends. The distress, the sense of loss, the feelings of helplessness sometimes almost overtakes those left behind. It is no different whether the death is sudden or a long dreaded but expected event. We all have to face family bereavements and the emotional turmoil that comes with them.
" Cruse believe that particular skills are necessary for professionals working in the bereavement field. For that reason we were delighted to assist Solicitors for Older People Scotland in their staff training programme – and we are happy to continue to help in the future"
Yet in the midst of all the grief and suffering occasioned by a death, someone, usually a spouse or close relative has to get on with the sad task of winding up the affairs of the deceased. Numbing as this practical and legal work can be, it just has to be done. Often steps have to be taken quickly to release funds for example to allow widows or beneficiaries to get on with everyday life. The work to be done is complicated. The local probate registry or sheriff court in Scotland are required to formalise the appointment of the person able to do this work, who may have been named in the deceased’s will or who may be able to be appointed because of his or her relationship to the deceased.
Member firms provide immediate help and guidance through this whole difficult process. Our staff will assist in taking the necessary legal steps, from advising all interested parties, preparing an inventory of the deceased’s property, applying to the court for confirmation, in gathering the property and transferring it to beneficiaries in accordance with the law or the provisions of the deceased’s will. We understand that this is a stressful process and we try to provide discreet help and support throughout. This help is only a telephone call away. Home visits can be arranged in appropriate cases.
“When someone dies it is often a very harrowing time for those loved ones left behind. Through this deeply emotional time, relatives have to make the necessary arrangements such as registering the death with the local Registrar and organising the funeral. For many this can be overwhelming; it is therefore reassuring to see that Solicitors for Older People Scotland have taken the time to train their staff on how to help people make the necessary arrangements whilst treating them with the utmost respect and care.”
Contact us now on 0800 152 2037 to arrange for a free confidential consultation
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If you have any questions about the services that we offer please do not hesitate to contact us or telephone on 0800 152 2037
Useful Links
we have produced a list of specially selected sites that you may find useful
we have provided a comprehensive glossary of all legal terms that you may come across while dealing with a bereavement.
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